Have a look inside the print edition. This 150-page PDF (about 1/6th of the book) is a random sampling that shows you what the print edition looks like – the page layout and design. DOWNLOAD.
NOTE: You can read the first 6 full chapters of this book for FREE (that's half the book –more than 450 pages) at www.howmusicreallyworks.com.
Item S-122: How Music REALLY Works!, 2nd Edition eBook Have a look inside the eBook edition. This 150-page PDF (about 1/6th of the book) is a random sampling that shows you what the eBook edition looks like – the page layout and design.
The Table of Contents is fully linked to each chapter, section, and sub-section, reciprocally linked back to the TOC. (In this 150-page PDF sample, the links are blue in color but many do not work because they are referenced to the full eBook edition.) NOTE: Purchase of this eBook comes with all three major eBook file formats: PDF, mobi (for Amazon readers), and epub (for Nook and other epub readers). DOWNLOAD PDF eBook sample.
NOTE: You can read the first 6 full chapters of this book for FREE (that's half the book - more than 450 pages) at www.howmusicreallyworks.com.